Pink Magic 8 Ball
Pink Magic 8 Ball
It is specifications for the Magic 8 Ball. As you can see we have provided a very detailed specification document for the clients,
the packaging manufacturer need to follow including specifications for all the board stock and dimensions.
Once you have reviewed we would like to confirm the costing and determine dates for a proto type for approval.
it is the same type of final 3D specification from the us for the Whil Magic 8 Ball.
This specification should show the details of the ball as well as the inner sayings a complete package similar
to the packaging specification document attached.
we will require the ball specifications along with all final costs inclusive of molds to send to the your owners for final cost
Artwork Proof Of Pink Magic 8 Ball

Proto Type Of Custom Magic 8 Ball

Final 3D specification Of Magic 8 Ball

finalized file for the inner sayings on the 8 ball
- You have it
- 4-5 Times a day
- 4-5 Times a day
- Calm in the chaos
- power down
- start at nothing
- get serious
- whil
- use you whil
- 60 seconds
- Realign You brain
- Do nothing now
3D Specification Of Magic 8 Ball
You will see that we have eliminated the need for a mold
as the flocked molded base is no longer included in the packaging it is just a simple cut out piece of card stock.