Similar Toys like magic 8 ball?All Fortune teller toy list

if you are looking for a toy similar to a magic 8 ball. . You can find all similar toys here..

Do you believe that the magic 8 Ball works?Can a have a spirit communication through a magic 8 ball?

I think that things will goes right if your are in faith and belive in sprit power it brings to your life..the answers of magic 8 ball is just like a guidance on your perceptions..

i do not believe the power of reading the tarot but when we pray over the magic 8 ball, i can find the correct directions..I do not take the magic 8 ball or tarot reading, or any of the other things seriously,because I'm only looking for spirits power...

Here is list


Tarot Card.jpg

2Ouija Board 

Ouija Board.jpg

3dice (devil's bonesdice)


4 Magic 8 Balls

5 Horoscopes

6 Fortune cookies

7 Icon

8 Astrology:

9 Fortune-teller lady

10 Crystal Ball 

11 Magic meatball