Magic Joke Ball
Magic Joke Ball is Fake Online Magic Eight Ball

Man are fond of mischief..
it is the site where you trick people with the magic 8 ball and your on the other end giving the answer.
it is the site where you can create a link and send link to your friends,you friends will ask the 8 ball a question,
you can see the questions and you answer the questions within 10 seconds.
- Do you want to play a practical joke on your frineds by fake online magic eight ball ?
- Do your want to know What is Your friends's questions by asking the magic 8 ball online free ?
- Do you want to be the hacker in your friends' s eyes by magic 8 ball answers online
How To Play A Trick With Friends
- You will be given a link to pass on to friends.
- When they went on the site, it was a magic 8-ball and the questions they typed appeared on your computer screen and you could answer there question however i felt appropriate.
Let's Play A Trick With All Friends
1.Chosse the answers 2.send the link to your friends and see what they ask later. You can send link to your friends.And answers your friends's question ahead.
Friends' Reaction On Magic Fake 8 Ball Online

The initial reaction of most participants is fatastic funny.
"There's a magic joke ball website where often I ask questions for fun..
and there are random answers.
But today when I asked
"Are beauty pageants stupid?" I received this answer,
"No, but you are!"
I find that strange because those are not
one of the automated answers, it seems like someone answered
my question personally.
Is there an explanation of how this
I hope the hacker didn't hack into my computer.
I hope it was only the website and not my computer that he
Magic Eight Ball Online Advice
It is a magic 8 ball game design by us but we are not good at creating a magic eight ball game that everybody loves.
So Could you mind to send us your advice.
Here is my idea. I am planning to create a magic 8 ball who related with sports and body building..
for example.There are 20 baskteball teams in magic 8 ball,
i am planning to write 20 team name on the magic 8 ball answers.
Is the magic 8 ball online with baskteball teams' name saying a great idea?
- A Similar Page Link Which We Can Using For New Fake Magic Eight Ball Online
- More Funny Idea